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Contact the Ombudsperson here:


The Ombudsperson is an active member of the Black Belt Institute (BBI). His/her role is to provide you with help. For example if you are having a disagreement with another BBI Member, Steering Committee Member or Instructor

Advisory Role:

The Ombudsperson will provide you with information; and advice; and help in speaking for you at meetings, if you request this.

The Ombudsperson is a person whom you can talk to about any aspect of BBI activities. (training, administration etc.)

The Ombudsperson, independent of all committees and the Steering Committee, shall act as advisor for Members and Instructors regard to any personal or business matter pertaining to BBI activities.  The Ombudsperson may act as advocate or representative for any Member or Instructor at meetings.

The Ombudsperson is available to all BBI Members including kyu belts. The Ombudsperson can be contacted through a link on the BBI website (and possibly having their phone number listed there) as well as any newsletters or other publications for Members.

The Ombudsperson of the BBI shall serve without remuneration.


The Ombudsperson shall be at Shodan level or above and at least 18 years of age. He/she should be willing to take on this commitment for a minimum term of 2 consecutive years. Ideally the Ombudsperson shall have served as a BBI Steering Committee Member prior to taking on this role. Ideally the Ombudsperson will have additional experience or training in conflict resolution or mediation. The BBI Steering Committee will consider funding upgrade training in conflict resolution requested by the volunteer Ombudsperson.

Resigning the Role:

Should the Ombudsperson wish to resign from this role, he/she will submit this request in writing to both the BBI Head Sensei and the BBI Steering Committee.

The Ombudsperson can be asked to relinquish this role by the BBI Head Sensei and another qualified BBI Member may volunteer for this role. The BBI Head Sensei will not serve in the Ombudsperson's role.


The Ombudsperson will keep all information private.

The Ombudsperson must adhere to a strict code of confidentiality in all matters pertaining to individual Members or the BBI, except when matters are that of a criminal nature.

Ontario Human Rights Code:

The Black Belt Institute affirms that all Members have a right to study and work in an environment that asserts the personal worth and dignity of each individual.

In order to achieve this objective, The Black Belt Institute will not tolerate any form of discrimination and/or harassment in any of its dealings. Every Member of the community has the right to challenge any act of discrimination or harassment that occurs between Members, regardless of rank.

Discrimination against, or harassment of, any Member or group of Members, on the basis of race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic group, citizenship, creed (religion), sex, sexual orientation, age, martial status, family status, mental or physical disability, political affiliation, defeats this objective and will not be tolerated by the Black Belt Institute.


All personal information obtained from the BBI Member shall be gathered used and disclosed in compliance with the Personal Information Protection and Electronics Documents Act (PIPEDA) and its principles.


The BBI Head Sensei will have final jurisdiction in all disputes within the BBI, whether involving Members, Instructors or Steering Committee Members.